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When Western Civilization go, in comes to tribal and hordes. Then it's governments by Emperors and Kings . Today we face a Constitutional Republic under Siege by the democratic party and their cohorts. How did we get to this point? Under our Constitution we had no Term Limits for the President. But after the death of FDR, Congress pass the 22nd Amendment limiting the president to two consecutive terms. What is to be noted is that Congress, began to receive benefits on or about 1946. The purpose of the benefits ws to attract younger people to public office...and that was far from the truth. What it did was open the flood gates to special interest groups,lobbyists, donors others to support the candidates who would "reciprocate" by "pork barrel" legislation or regulations to benefit them, creating CAREER POLITICIANS. Its no wonder we have politicians many generations older than the people who they represent. They become models for future politicians: personal ambition, greed and most important fail to serve the people who ELECTED them to office. The party rules and the OATH of Office is just a formality, not to be taken seriously. What am I getting at? Term Limits must be impose on Congress. I suggest both houses of 2 four year terms. Same as the Presidentcy. That would make it more "partisan" when dealing with legislation between the houses.

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