I watched Sunday, Life,Liberty and Levin and you may be very interested in Raol Berger book title, "IMPEACHMENT,"and his other books. Levin, gave a brief snap shot or summary of the author's thoughts on how the Constitution defines IMPEACHMENT. What I find interesting in that Mayorkas and Biden both as define by the Constitution are guilty of a POLITICAL crime. They have endangered the lives of the people who ELECTED them to office as well as cabinet members and appointed officials. All who take an oath of office or position,doesn't matter if it's federal,state, or local.

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I've seen and heard some of it. I wasn't expose to all of it. I learned and embraced all the values and traditions when I enlisted in the Army at 17. I wasn't taught any of those "things" and it changed my life. Today and it has been for several decades the "ME" generations and worse. Entitlements has taken over legislation by "feelings" and logic is thrown out the window. We at the cusp of destroying what has made our country great, THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS, the envy of the world.

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